And the award for most hysterical antievolutionist nonsense of the week goes to…

This bit of wackiness which comes from a site called California Catholic Daily (which is odd since most Catholics don’t have a problem with evolution):

Now that Darwinists rule academia, they will brook no contradiction, and they will happily commit employment assassination even against tenured professors who dare even to mention intelligent design. The Darwinists even have their own Gestapo in the National Center for Science Education led by a modern day Heinrich Himmler named Eugenie Scott.

The NCSE is like the Gestapo and Genie Scott is comparable to Himmler, really?

I’m not sure how to even respond to such irrationality, I mean ye gods people get a grip. The claim that there is an epidemic of people losing their jobs for questioning Darwinism evolution is, at best a gross exaggeration. Trying to draw a comparison between the NCSE and the Gestapo is just plain idiotic, and comparing Genie to Himmler is, well, there really are no words to adequately express the mind numbing stupidity of that.

Here I am (on the right) with the notorious Dr. Eugenie Scott (Executive Director of the NCSE, center), and Professor Jim Hofmann (who teaches a class on the C/E issue at Cal State Fullerton on the left), prior to a lecture by Dr. Scott at CSF (4/17/03). (Photo by Don Frack).

You can almost see the evil radiating off of us can you not?

Perhaps I should withhold judgment as to whether it will be the most hysterical nonsense of the week (the week has barely started after all), but I think it would be hard to top this one.

We’ll see.

[Thanks to Jason Spaceman on the Talk Origins Newsgroup for the heads up on this.]

13 thoughts on “And the award for most hysterical antievolutionist nonsense of the week goes to…

  1. Genie Scott equals Himmler? The whole Darwin-to-nazism thing requires twisted-like-a-pretzel thought processes to give it any credence at all, but _this_ sort of nonsense requires not only a complete absence of the ability for rational thought, but also a complete ignorance of both history and current events, as well as a level of ‘depersonalizing the enemy’ that rivals what — [considers best analogy … alright, I’ll use it] — what the Nazis did to the Jews. Sane people don’t believe such things.

    It is an irony fit to break the strongest meter that in attempting to connect Darwin to Hitler, the creationists adopt the Nazis’ own tactics.

    — Jon W.


  2. You know, after watching Expelled, I did find something seriously wrong with Scott. Her desk is a MESS.

    Seriously though, there’s something absolutely incredible in Scott being labeled the chief anti-religion witchhunter, when she’s the one arguing that there are lots of perfectly respectable religious scientists that do good work and no one should have any academic beef with… and it’s the ID folks and creationists who demean and belittle these believers and demand that people pick sides, evolution vs. religion, no compromises.


  3. Hi Troy,

    Just read this post today, where you say:

    “The claim that there is an epidemic of people losing their jobs for questioning Darwinism evolution is, at best a gross exaggeration. Trying to draw a comparison between the NCSE and the Gestapo is just plain idiotic, and comparing Genie to Himmler is, well, there really are no words to adequately express the mind numbing stupidity of that.”

    Actually, I was thinking that what the California Catholic Daily has to say is much closer to reality than your offhanded dismissal of it. Have you read any of the cases of discrimination against Darwin skeptics? No? Then I recommend you grab a chapter from a new book coming out soon and get a taste. There are HUNDREDS of people who have been persected just for being SKEPTICAL of Darwinism, er, evolution.

    So, contrary to what you say, there IS an epidemic of people losing their jobs over this. Of course, you’d probably say they deserved to, right?

    check it out at


  4. Hey, it’s my old “buddy”, Kevin Wirth! He’s continuing to roam the web, looking for science blogs to contaminate with his filthy creationist lies!

    For those of you who haven’t had the “pleasure” of encountering this crackpot before, this is his whole shtick. He makes up fanciful stories about the evil “Darwinists” and how they lie about evolution and how they repress all dissent. If anybody dares to question his claims or demand proof, he doesn’t have any! Instead, he replies with a mountain of quotes from everybody imaginable, taken completely out of context of course, changing the original meaning entirely.

    He dropped about 15 comments on my blog a few months ago. Despite his best efforts, we trounced him thoroughly. Then we got bored, and I instituted a no-quote-mining policy. He’s unable to survive in such an environment, so he hasn’t been back.

    Anyway, I strongly urge Troy to not let Kevin pull his little stunts here. It gets tiring pretty fast. If you want to see how ridiculous he gets, here is the start of just one of the threads he monotonized:


  5. “which is odd since most Catholics don’t have a problem with evolution”

    Not entirely true, many are influenced by evolution as one well known Catholic points out…

    “Cardinal Paul Poupard, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said the Genesis description of how God created the universe and Darwin’s theory of evolution were “perfectly compatible” if the Bible were read correctly.”

    Many Catholics do not accept the “time miracle” of life rather it’s mixing Darwinism with Intelligent design.


  6. I wonder how long it will be before one of these evolution=fascism nutjobs takes it upon him/herself to bomb a laboratory or commit som similar act of violence. It’s only a mater of time, I fear.


  7. To Ron Britton, April 29th post.

    Dude. You most certainly did NOT trounce me. All you did was censor my post (without notification, by the way) by removing some first class quotes I posted for your edification.

    But that’s OK, I understand that’s the way evolutionists often do things – rather than give people a hearing, people like you evidently prefer to completely remove whatever ID advocates have to say. It’s like putting your hands over your ears and yelling “Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala…” so loud you can’t hear what we have to say. Fine.

    You just go ahead and live out your fanatasy because it’s clear that’s what you’d prefer to do.

    Also, I love the way you brag about how you put me down. What a joke. You didn’t even come close.


  8. Kevin,

    It’s good to hear that I’m not the only one who Ron has “trounced”… when I say that, I really mean “find my TRUE comments about him and his website so insideous that he deletes all my posts”… which is exactly what he did yesterday. Not that I’m bragging, but I must have made more convincing arguments (on many “threads”) than I even thought… he didn’t want his minions influenced, apparently.

    Since I’m now banned from “Bay of Fun”, I’ll need to find some other avenue for me to consistantly debunk liberal ideology.


  9. Kevin is a bit of a bad loser, it seems …
    reviewing the thread listed in post #4 clearly shows
    a trouncing, with words. Not a very effective “director
    of media relations”, I think.


  10. Clearly this is silly, as Himmler had far better dress sense.

    As for that Catholic rag, it would seem to be par for the course in the USA these days. I see your irrationalism, and raise you two degrees of hysteria.


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