Avast Me Hearties!

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day ye scurvy bilge rats!

This be the likeness of Pirate Queen, Scarlett Harlott, cast yer eyes upon her site or be cursed fer certain!

May yer seas be calm, yer rum flow freely and yer booty be bountiful!

New shirts from Evo-T’s

And now a word from our sponsor Evo-T‘s! [My internet T-shirt shop I use to help cover costs of domain names, maintain my secret antievolutionist fighting lair etc.]

There are a couple of new additions, one serious and the other not so much. First we have a great quote from noted physicist Stephen Hawking:

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. – Stephen Hawking

Perfect! This shirt comes in basic black with white print, in sizes for both men and women.

Next we have an anonymous “so bad, it’s good” biology joke:

Support Bacteria! They’re the only culture some people have.

Come on, you know that’s funny! Now, I command you to go buy one! They come in both men’s (dark green) and women’s (lighter green) sizes, with white print.

As always:

Please, I don’t want a repeat of the last time. Yellow down and gore everywhere (yuck).