Obama Murdering America with TEH GAY!

President Obama’s recent decision to stop defending the so called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has got a lot of “conservatives” squealing like pigs.

For example Rick Pearcey (who seems to be in a perpetual panic about TEH GAY) has got himself worked up into a frothy frenzy over at his “Pro-Existence” blog.

After some foreplay in the form of a lengthy quote from a rancid anti-gay opinion column published in, self proclaimed second coming of Jesus Christ Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Timesnewspaper“, Pearcey finally ejaculates:

Pearcey: If Obama is successful in his campaign to discriminate against the Creator of the Declaration, and against the Creator’s norms for human sexuality and married life, he may well go down in history as the president who delivered the final gleeful blow in the murdering of America.

So if Obama doesn’t perpetuate discriminatory practices against homosexuals —practices apparently favored by Mr. Pearcy’s deity (who I assume is not the Rev. Moon)— he will be “murdering” America?

Really?  Gleefully “murdering” America? Really?

Now I’m not particularly a fan of President Obama and can find plenty to disagree with in his policies, but that is some severely hallucinatory bigotry right there.